Friday, November 30, 2007

The Szott family

This is a great cause. Please watch the video. :: KARE 11 TV - Perk At Play Articles Perk takes a tumble

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Our hotel.

Limo we rode from one end of the Las Vegas strip to the other with the wedding party.

Friday, November 23, 2007

New york in LV

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Bellagio lobby ceiling

Paris in Las Vegas

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sometimes extinction is a GOOD thing - Scientists find fossil of enormous bug
The discovery in 390-million-year-old rocks suggests that spiders, insects, crabs and similar creatures were far larger in the past than previously thought, said Simon Braddy, a University of Bristol paleontologist and one of the study's three authors.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This is not a joke

Check out the instructional video. Gibson Robot Guitar

150 Monty Python Sketches

A Compendium of 150 Monty Python Sketches - One Mans Blog
A Compendium of 150 Monty Python Sketches

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mark Steyn: Thanks for America

Opinion: World should give thanks for America | americans, world, thanksgiving, europe, europeans -
Speaking as a misfit unassimilated foreigner, I think of Thanksgiving as the most American of holidays.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My subject

Test email to blog. Taken on my phone camera and sent directly to this blog.

The foundation of winning at Blackjack is to utilize proper basic strategy in playing the hands. "Proper" means that each decision you make on hitting, standing, doubling or splitting pairs is the correct mathematical play for that hand. There is no room for intuition, gut feelings or guessing when it comes to basic strategy; you must make the "percentage" play each time. Even if you've doubled an 11 against a dealer's 10 five times in a row and lost, when that hand comes up a sixth time you must double. Consistency is a big part of playing a winning game, so resolve right now that you are going to make the proper play, regardless if the dealer rolls his eyes upward or the other players at the table groan quietly when you do it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Free Medical Clinics

This is cool.

TCS Daily - The Free Clinic Movement
Free Clinics are private, non-profit organizations that provide medical, dental, pharmaceutical and/or mental health services at little or no cost to low-income, uninsured and underinsured people. These clinics are truly free - both to their clients and to the taxpayers.

Unlike federally-qualified so-called "free clinics", they do not submit receipts to Medicare or Medicaid for reimbursement. St. Luke and the other authentic Free Clinics in Virginia do not submit bills to anybody for reimbursement.