Marine Corps Silent Drill Team
It's a slow Friday, so what not a little entertainment courtesy of the USMC?
A Place For My Stuff (h/t George Carlin)
I use this place to collect stuff that interests me. This includes web sites, quotes, thoughts, and various other, well, stuff.
While 42 is the answer to the ultimate question, nothing here should be construed as an actual answer to anything.
It's a slow Friday, so what not a little entertainment courtesy of the USMC?
My 2002 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Classic, plus some blings and things
& My Constant Companion and Mascot, "SilverBack, Two"
In the last two weeks I have been writing about my feeling that 2008 might be a key year in the transition to an IT-based knowledge economy. In the first post, I focused on the emergence of the advanced technology platforms needed to deliver a diverse set of information-rich services to a very large number of people. In the subsequent post I wrote about the critical importance for a business to stand out and differentiate itself from competitors by providing consistent, first-rate customer service and thus building a loyal customer base.
In my third and final post on the subject, I want to focus on business values - in particular, on the critical importance of trust, responsibility and accountability in our increasingly integrated, global knowledge economy.
The first kit that should be the basis of all the others is the "Basic Travel Kit" set forth below. It will be highly customizable depending on the health needs of the travelers, length of travel, and destination. This is the kit that is ideal to bring on a trip through larger, developed cities and towns where advanced medical care is easily found and re-supply of medicine is possible.
In today’s innovative high-tech world economy, where the global spread of free-market capitalism is the single biggest growth factor, saying “the entrepreneur is no longer king” is just plain wrong. New technologies and new companies are springing up everywhere, and it is precisely this Schumpeterian process that is the single-biggest driver of jobs, incomes, prosperity, and wealth creation.
"Allocations are killing us," a CIO friend recently said to me.