Saturday, August 30, 2008

Test from MS-Word2007

This is a post using the built-in template for blog posting. The ribbon changes to a "Blog Post" ribbon with "Publish", "Home Page", "Manage Accounts" buttons and some others. There is both publish and push as draft.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fountainhead Speech

I've never read Ayn Rand. This is a speech from it that someone recommended. I've read it but want to read it again. So I am putting it here for future reference.

Fountainhead Speech

SanDisk Unveils USB Drive With Online Backup -- Storage -- InformationWeek

SanDisk Unveils USB Drive With Online Backup -- Storage -- InformationWeek: "SanDisk Unveils USB Drive With Online Backup

The device comes with a six-month subscription to the BeInSync backup
service and two years of BoomerangIt's lost-and-found service.
By Antone
January 2, 2008 04:41 PM

(NSDQ: SNDK) on Wednesday introduced a USB flash drive with automatic online
backup, so files can be recovered from any Internet-connected computer if the
drive is lost, forgotten, or stolen.
The Cruzer Titanium Plus is SanDisk's
first USB drive with backup capabilities. The 4-Gbyte device will be featured at
the International Consumer Electronics Show Jan. 7-10 in Las Vegas.

The Cruzer Plus comes with a six-month subscription to the BeInSync backup
service at no additional charge. After opening a personal, password-protected
account, any files copied to the drive from a computer are automatically backed
up online. If the computer is offline, then the files will be backed up the next
time the drive is plugged into an Internet-connected machine."
No where else can we imagine
No one else can be sure
No one thing can make us believe
No one except us
No one

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

43 Folders

43 Folders: "Drowning in email? Try Inbox Zero to learn sane tips for dealing with high-volume email. And don’t miss the free Inbox Zero video."

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Recent Volcanic Activity - The Big Picture -

Recent Volcanic Activity - The Big Picture - "Several volcanoes have erupted in the past few months - two in Chile (Chaiten and Llaima) and one in Alaska (Okmok). At any given time, approximately 20 to 50 volcanoes are active worldwide (depending on the definition of 'active'). Collected here are photos of volcanic events from the the past several years, seen from many angles, including low Earth Orbit. (15 photos total)"

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Slashdot | Software Logging Schemes?

Slashdot | Software Logging Schemes?:
"'I've been a software engineer for just over 10 years, and I've seen a lot of different styles of logging in the applications I've worked on. Some were extremely verbose — about 1 logging line for every 2 lines of code. Others were very lacking, with maybe 1 line in 200 devoted to logging. I personally find that writing debug and informational messages about every 2 to 5 lines works well for debugging an issue, but can become cumbersome when reading through a log for analysis. I like to write warning messages when thresholds or limits are being approached — these tend to be infrequent. I log errors whenever I catch one (but I've never put a 'fatal' message in my code, because if it's truly a fatal error I probably didn't catch it). Recently I came across log4j and log4net and have begun using them both. That brings me to my question: how do the coders on Slashdot handle logging in their code?'"

Wednesday, August 13, 2008