A Place For My Stuff (h/t George Carlin)
I use this place to collect stuff that interests me. This includes web sites, quotes, thoughts, and various other, well, stuff.
While 42 is the answer to the ultimate question, nothing here should be construed as an actual answer to anything.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Cigarette Camps: U. S. Army Camps in the Le Havre Area -- Introduction
The Cigarette Camps: U. S. Army Camps in the Le Havre Area -- Introduction: "Introduction: The Cigarette Camps"
Monday, December 29, 2008
TaxProf Blog: Inside Higher Ed: Women Profs Spend More Time on Teaching, Less on Research
"Joycelyn K. Moody, the Sue E. Denman Distinguished Chair in American Literature at the University of Texas at San Antonio, said that what most troubled her about the responses was that women reported feeling shame about their interest and success in teaching. Women should be feeling pride in their success as teachers, she said, but are “perceiving themselves as performing below expectations,” because they aren’t doing more research. It’s time to “dismantle those institutional values,” Moody said, so that the shame disappears."
Thursday, December 25, 2008
What If New York Goes Bust? - The Daily Beast
A close reading reveals that for union leaders like Ms. Weingarten, the only acceptable 'cuts' are not cuts at all, but rather reductions in the rate of increase for public spending. She is willing, in effect, to receive a reduced bonus this year, but not the cut in pay or benefits that would constitute shared sacrifice in a financial crisis."
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Armchair Commentary: Exclusive Interview: Fillion on Captain Hammer & Classic "Firefly"
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
Christmas bokeh | dooce ®
The picture at this link is the first I have seen that starts to capture what a Christmas tree looks like to me when I don' have my glasses on. For years, I have enjoyed sitting with my glasses off and staring at the tree after it is decorated. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. The only difference between this picture and what I see is that I don't see a smooth circle. Instead I see a pattern of lighter and darker in each circle. Note that each light circle is the same size, regardless of how obscured some of it may be. If it is mostly obscured, it appears not as bright, but it exactly the same size and has the same pattern in it.
One of the few joys of wearing glasses.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
CD/DVD drives disappear after installing iTunes - GEAR CD / DVD Software Support Knowledgebase
After installing a GEAR Software or a GEARWorks GEAR Powered Product (such as Apple iTunes and Norton Ghost) on Vista, the CD/DVD drives disappear in Windows Explorer and the installed software is unable to detect any CD/DVD drives on the system"
Thursday, December 04, 2008
CIO - SOA What? Why You Need SOA Governance Framework
"Without an established governance plan and policy, the original author and
support organization may not even know this 'use' of their software is
happening. This can lead to a lawless environment where: 1.) Increased volume
may cause a jump in users from hundreds to thousands overnight. Servers or
networks being used for this process may not be able to handle the load; 2)
Contrarily a service is created but 'no one comes' to re-use it because there is
no established procedure about how to communicate service availability within
the enterprise; 3) Finally, it is easy for a developer to read a service
definition and create a sample request message in minutes. In a SOA world, the
data travels on the wire in the clear and even has tags identifying each and
every data element. Ease of access to SOA services raises an important issue of
security policies and SOA governance.
So without a well-thought out governance plan SOA can seem like the lawless Wild, Wild West."