Monday, November 09, 2009

Millennials + Enterprise Software: Doomed to Fail | CIO - Blogs and Discussion

Millennials + Enterprise Software: Doomed to Fail CIO - Blogs and Discussion: "According to Schooley, 76 million Millennials were born between 1980 and 2000 (scary, I know) and are now infiltrating corporations everywhere—approximately 40 million already have, with an additional 35 million getting ready. 'They bring sharp technology skills, a desire for challenging work, flexibility, mobility and an ability to work well in teams,' writes Schooley. However, she adds, 'These new employees often meet a seasoned workforce that has very different work styles.'
When it comes to enterprise software today, just take out the word 'workforce' in that last sentence and insert 'application suite.' This unfortunate situation is going to be one of biggest challenges for old-school businesses with tons of legacy software and infrastructure. (Of course, it should help that the tech workers are going to be Millennials, too.)"

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